The Roots of Digitopia
The Astonishing Historical Roots of Digitopia
Twice over two centuries, the WEST — the empires and monarchies of Europe — sought to reconstruct itself and in some equal measure, the world. The Congress of Vienna looked to the past to recreate the boundaries and secure international structures following the Wars of the Revolution and Napoleon. A century later, three or four men, presumed to recast Europe following its suicide in the Great War, and during the Versailles Peace Conference, most of the rest of the world as well. They, and the nations they lead and created, uncertainly looked forward to a technological world many anticipated, had partially experienced, and comprehended not at all. Like a suicide that did not die, the patient, upon awaking from the Treaty of Versailles — Europe and the world asked — how shall I live now … From the Utopia of Thomas More to the Digitopia of the Internet, the question continues, often answered but never settled, shaped and colored in many ways by times – what world do we want and how shall be live in it? – or, how do we live in the present world until the good place (More´s own correction) emerges. And, by what means, and with which tools, does all this happen …
Hans-Peter Guttmann, Washington, DC