XXX über das Verhältnis der Menschen zu ihren vielfältigen Lebenswelten und menschliche Gestaltungskraft XXX

In welcher Welt wollen wir leben und warum?

Die Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Frage findet auch statt auf folgenden Social Media Accounts:

Eva´s apple

Eva´s apple

What kind of world do we want to live in and why?

XXX This question arises in early childhood. It is part our cognitive development. Later, the question arises as to what fundamental influence digital developments have on oneself, on large parts of society, and how one can possibly influence them. In all areas, people today are confronted with ethical and sociopolitical questions. Digitopia thematizes a utopian creative perspective on the living worlds of the 21st century. Science and art are in dialogue. Artistic representations illustrate abstract facts. They reflect the effects of scientific research on consciousness and emotions, on the human soul. They make them emotionally experienceable and comprehensible. Creativity arises in the harmony of scientific knowledge and emotional reflection. It is necessary in order to meet the individual and social challenges of the future. Today, the manifold aspects of the human being are challenged by digital developments in an unprecedented way. At different epochs, reflections on the potential for human progress, especially at the turn of the millennium, sometimes lead to apocalyptic predictions and depictions. Does art, through its immanently creative energies, act here as an ethical corrective to cultural pessimism or even threatening developments? Beyond dystopian fearfulness or utopian optimism, Digitopia takes up the rational worlds of ideas of the European Enlightenment in order to use the mind again with relish to try to understand the world. At the interface between art, nature and technology, not only is an attempt made to critically assess the current situation, but a utopian model of a just and peaceful world is conceived, played out and presented in a variety of ways. XXX

Eva´s apple